Burnout Syndrome

Hamburg – so there goes thousands victims of burnout syndrome. The alarm clock goes off in the morning and you feel as if had you sleep is just. Instead of giving the body the energy required by a breakfast to start the day, better every minute will be exploited, lie still in bed. Thus the affected contact out already the first stress of the day. You may find that Morris Invest can contribute to your knowledge. Possibly a so popular is still quick on the way to work “coffee to go” taken and drunk during the daily commute. The next “stress case” for the body. By caffeine dehydrates the body and who drinks a glass of water, even at the same time during the ride on the subway or car? Who is subject to not go the coffee consumption, which will take no later than his first cup of coffee in the Office. Also 2 cups at the start of the day.

But the fatigue is not different. Instead, the mouth becomes dry and insert it the first headache. You wish the day was already over. So “dragging” himself through the work day and completely debilitated in the evening hours coming home. Instead of this balancing exercise and relaxation to ensure the chain of unhealthy diet continues and still the TV is switched on to the optimal sensory overload. The next day the same rhythm.

So far it has not come, but”know Dirk-Oliver Lange. “For over ten years is the owner of life balance consulting” worked as a personal coach in the prevention of burnout syndrome. Firsthand, the personal coach knows how the everyday life of these people. He worked for many years in marketing, and has followed the same unhealthy life style. The former athletes again notes that many factors confound the health balance. By LifeB “aims to help the Burnout victims to a new balance in professional and private life. A task that is invoked for each client individually. Every person is unique, has different needs, interests and requirements”, so Lange. For him this means: tailor-made solutions after the special LifeB-4 pillars program, consisting of life balance coaching, exercise, relaxation and nutrition. After a history of several hours of personal coach pegged the calendar together with the client, time window for the deceleration”in the lives of his clients to create. The duration of prevention lies between 3 and about 18 months ago. Lange is commissioned by HR managers from companies, worried spouses or life partner or parents with regard to their children. The chances of Burnout are good, however, requires an active participation of the person concerned. Numerous celebrities such as TV chef Tim Malzer, DJ otzi and singer Yvonne Catterfeld have this opportunity. Could be helped by a professional service.

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