Buying Motives

Successfully selling to the customers, where others have already given up mental arson with benefits can convince everyone. Learn more about this topic with the insights from John Savignano. And if that doesn’t work? Then sell about pain! People have different motives of action customers buy due to different buying motives. This buying motives can be divided into two basic directions: lust and love on one and fear and pain avoidance on the other side. Robert J. Shiller wanted to know more. Christian Farago, coach of the team is on the February Dirk Kreuter, guest in the StrategieCentrum of South Westphalia. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Nutra Ingredients. “Its talk offer = job – mental arson” he picks up a theme, the when many companies more and more to the inefficient time wasters “par excellence developed: the offer. Many individual customers offers are at the same time as an alibi and tactics Wang off not more and not less.

The benefit is too big too often equal to zero and the effort simply much. Christian Farago in his exciting talk shows, how to avoid these pitfalls, how to professionally handle to”and how they skillfully deals with the most common objections. After graduating in economics with a focus on international management and marketing Christian Farago collected over ten years of experience in sales and in the leadership. Prior to his coaching career, he was responsible for strategic sales management, staff development and the leadership of a staff team at a wholesale company. He completed his training at Dirk Kreuter through training courses in the field of transactional analysis and cognitive psychology. In the training, Christian Farago according to the corporate philosophy relies on very high sustainability and practical orientation.

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