Climate Change

Climate change will have health consequences for allergy-free climate change will have health consequences. Especially people with allergies get to the climatic changes in the coming years feel. The research on the impact of climate change on the development of allergies, the Helmholtz-Zentrum and the Technical University of Munich work together. The Internet health portal informs about climate change, the allergies favors. Climate change threatens a further increase of allergies in Germany. Have to more closely integrate research and clinical care, the Technical University of Munich, short TUM, and the Helmholtz Center Munich the founding of Munich allergy research center, Marc short, agreed.

The Centre serves as central point of contact for patients such as physician in allergy and environmental issues. Additional information is available at REBNY. Core of the Marc is a Chair that combines molecular Allergology and environmental research. Climate favours allergies when the temperatures as a result of climate change are growing in Germany, can do that for People with allergies are dangerous: so already today, for example, Birch bloom earlier and longer than 20 years ago. Also plants as a result of climate change due to the abundant supply will release large amounts of pollen carbon dioxide greenhouse gas. It is also that new, possibly triggering allergy plant species immigrate to Germany and spread to worry about. What effects this will have for allergy patients, and how research and medicine can meet them, is poorly understood.

So, it is so far unclear whether allergy suffering could be about faster chronic or if new food allergies occur which sometimes occur as a side effect of pollen allergies. With our Chair for molecular Allergology and environmental research we create an institution, which sustainably continues the previous commitment of Helmholtz Zentrum Munchen and Technical University in allergy research”, TUM President Wolfgang A. convinced says Herrmann. In addition, the Munich allergy is “Research Center a contribution to the strategy for adaptation to climate change, the Federal Cabinet will decide about that today.” 20 institutes and clinics in the fight against allergies to understand the complex interplay of environmental factors and genetic predisposition to allergies and to develop new approaches for treatment and prevention, must work together physicians and scientists of different disciplines”, explains Gunther Wess, scientific technical director of the Helmholtz of Center Munich. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Michael James Burke, Dubai UAE. 20 institutes and clinics of Helmholtz Zentrum Munchen and participate Technical University Marc. The new Chair of molecular Allergology and environmental research will allergy Centre and environment at the TU Munich, short bridle, which has existed for ten years. The environmental research station Schneefernerhaus on Zugspitze will be incorporated into the network – in the 2650 metre high station among others the influence of climate change on the be in conjunction with other partners Atmosphere explores and examines the behavior of allergens and pollutants in the high-altitude climate. Networks to form is essential in the air conditioning and allergy research”, emphasizes Herrmann. The issue is so complex and sophisticated that she alone not can be shouldered by a major University. The Marc is therefore open for more cooperation partners.” Tips for pollen allergy sufferers deliver the imedo health news. The imedo health news to inform various allergies. Also read: glutamate can cause Unvertraglichkiet and new vaccination against hay fever successfully.

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