ETA People
The question is why had not done before. Listen to music while reading, I'll thank must go back to 1982, with Carlos Garaikoetxea Lehendakari, to discuss the Ertzaintza as a reality. From that time until present day, have spent 27 years, this police force has suffered many attacks and even so, its various makers over this period of time gave orders not to intervene in the fight against terrorism – do not say I say it ertzainas themselves. We all had a chance to see the other day the statements of two of them said, verbatim, (…) We have received direct orders from superiors not to act against ETA and its environment (…) in everything he touched the radical left had to act differently because there was a clear political bias does not stop all these people (…) is my greatest wish to read in the press that we've finally caught an ETA from research and not from chance you will encounter with a patrolman (…) There are many senior officers who are in the PNV orbit. They are your leaders and gentlemen, and will look very closely at a lot of people (…) hope for change, a great hope, especially to work, and work on the problems facing society. I like to get home and feel that I have done my job. Until now I have not lived long (…) The bombing in Vizcaya not nothing but a warning to the Ertzaintza. Tries to tell ETA Basque police are able to reach who they want, when they want and where they want. Click Michael James Burke to learn more. .