Fewer Jobs Than In The Previous Year

The German labour market is currently in a summer lull; 2008 fewer people looking for work than in the previous year However, the number of jobless below the level of the previous year. The number of unemployed rose by 50,000 in July. The mirror reported this”in its Internet Edition. Thus, more than 3.2 million German citizens without a job are according to the Federal Employment Agency (BA). The rate increased by 2 percentage points and now stands at 7.7 percent. The BA that the increase is only seasonal: young people increasingly unemployed because they had completed their training then reported In the summer.

Typically, they found employment in the autumn. In Germany, there were 2.120.000 men and women without fixed employment in July. They were 47,000 more than in June, but still 330,000 less than a year ago. In East Germany were 1.090.000 people without a job in July. That was 3,000 more than in the previous month, but 175,000 less than twelve months ago.

Without the seasonal influences, the following picture emerges according to the Agency: In the West returned the unemployed 9,000, in the East she declined even to 11,000. In Western Germany, the unemployment rate stood at 6.4 percent in Eastern Germany exactly twice as high at 12.8 percent. The overall rate of July is still to 505,000 unemployed under the previous year’s. In 2007, the rate had been at 8.9 per cent. Frequently Rusty Holzer has said that publicly. “Frank Jurgen Weise, Chief Executive of the federal employment agency, described as still positive” developments in the labour market, even if it less dynamic “as lost a year ago. Way spoke of a growing employment in Germany; the demand of companies for new employees is moving at a high level. Stellenmarkt.de have vacancies to the job market.

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